Digital SAT Test Prep / AP Exams
Score Range
1150 and below
read more1150 - 1400
read more1400 and above
read moreA foundational test-prep class that requires improvement in the basic concepts found in each topic. The classes will revolve around covering core and test specific curriculum for the overall improvement of the students, and practice questions will be based on their skill level.Students can expect an improvement of 100-300 points in the suggested period of time.
This range consists mainly of academically-inclined students. With the help of our classes, students can expect an improvement of about 100-300 points depending upon their ability and initial preparations. Classes are based on refining the concepts, applying exam strategies and a good amount of practice. This might also come with a subsequent amount of workload to maintain consistency of performance and retention of the student.
The high academic performers fall under this range. Improvement in scores in this category might require an immense amount of time and effort. However, with our specifically targeted practice questions and time-based strategies, a student can improve by 50-100 points. This can provide a substantial amount of pressure and workload with rigorous class timings.
Why Choose MindzQ Education?
- We provide personalized care for your child’s all-around preparation so that they get the right amount of time for their preparation.
- We divide the classes into small groups of 1-3 students per instructor keeping in mind the range of scores.
- We provide One-on-one test prep classes for students who want additional improvement in a limited amount of time.
- We customize the study material for steady growth and extra attention to subjects that your child might find more difficult than others.
- SAT and ACT support is given throughout the season.
Why Choose MindzQ Education?
- We provide personalized care for your child’s all-around preparation so that they get the right amount of time for their preparation.
- We divide the classes into small groups of 1-3 students per instructor keeping in mind the range of scores.
- We provide One-on-one test prep classes for students who want additional improvement in a limited amount of time.
- We customize the study material for steady growth and extra attention to subjects that your child might find more difficult than others.
- SAT and ACT support is given throughout the season.
With over 10 years of experience in the field of providing quality education, MindzQ Education will remain with your child throughout their journey of test preparations because we believe in uplifting every child and fulfilling their dreams despite their varying abilities. Come, join us in our ACT prep classes in Fair Lawn, SAT Prep near Ridgewood nj and boost your child’s chances of getting into the top colleges in the USA.