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What to do when your child is struggling with learning maths?
  • 466
  • 07-Dec-2023

What to do when your child is struggling with learning maths?

Math is quite possibly the most unpopular subject in school. Math is sometimes criticized for being disconnected from the real world. Students frequently fail and struggle a lot to make connections between what they are taught in class and their daily lives. It's understandable that putting effort into Math learning may feel like more of a burden than it's; worth from this perspective.

Math, on the other hand, is ubiquitous, as any math lover knows! It can also be highly engaging and even enjoyable. A youngster may struggle with Math for a variety of reasons, ranging from math anxiety to a variety of special education requirements.

Our goal is to modify student attitudes and, as a result, their math learning by making tiny modifications to the way math is taught at our center.

Our teachers emphasize on students doing math activities in pairs or small groups. This allows students to learn new strategies from their peers and participate in problem-solving activities alongside them. This method can help relieve some of the stress on students who do not believe in their ability to study Math because they are not working alone.

We focus on the following:

Making Math Social:
Increase the amount of one-on-one and small group work. While it is common to think of learning as something isolated, something that happens within one’s brain, learning is a social endeavor. 

Making Math Personal

By providing personalized math tutoring, we are able to focus on the more personalized progress of children. To teach the same idea, our math tutors use a variety of methods. Multiple ways can assist your child in breaking down and solving problems more precisely. Our teaching standards are comparable to those of reputable
schools and will match your expectations.

1) Critical Thinking in Math
Your kid does not have to spend a lot of time memorizing since we concentrate on the problem-solving critical thinking strategy. We frequently observe children struggling with math and making mistakes in their approaches. This new technique will help them avoid silly mistakes.
2) Problem Solving in Math
We concentrate on establishing long-term objectives for the child. We assist your child build self-esteem and confidence in his problem-solving abilities by using certain approaches and strategies.

We concentrate on a better reward system so that your child does not become dissatisfied and demotivated. According to research, rewards are not demotivating if they come as a surprise and are only given after the activity is completed.

Our tutors will work with your child in a one-on-one setting, taking into account his pace and the skills he needs to improve. We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment in which your child does not feel isolated from his peers. The ultimate goal is to concentrate on and strengthen his/her cognitive and problem-solving abilities.

Finally, we believe in  HAVING FUN with MATH and helping your child LOVE MATH:

We consider turning the Math lessons into a game. Math, more than any other subject in school, is all about solving puzzles. Take it all in. This can be accomplished through the use of math boards and card games, as well as interactive activities.

We will go through how to determine whether or not, your child is having difficulty with math and how to help them and make them fall in love with